The Lord's Prayer - September 17, 2023
We will begin our study of Prayer & Devotional Life with what our Lord taught us, the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer is given to the disciples because they have asked Jesus how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer is not only a prayer we can offer daily, but also a prayer that gives us insight, that teaches us how to pray, the sorts of things to include, how to frame our own petitions. The Lord’s Prayer is foundational for the Christian both as an example and as a pray prayer to be prayed. It is the perfect jumpstart for our seven week series.
Suggested activity: Filling out a template that mirrors the thanksgivings and petitions of the Lord’s Prayer.
The Bread of Life - September 24, 2023
We will explore “bread” from the Old Testament through the New Testament. Specifically, we will look at how the Lord has provided bread to his people from the very beginning through the present, until the end, as pictured in Revelation. We will connect the Daily Bread of the Lord’s Prayer to God’s Word and to Holy Communion.
Suggested activity: making bread together, especially communion bread
The Fruit of the Vine - October 1, 2023
We will look at the fruit of the vine from the old testament all the way through the New Testament, including as portrayed in Revelation. Specifically, we will look at the role that wine has had in fellowship and as an element of worship. Finally, we will connect wine to Holy Communion.
Suggested activity: eating grapes, bringing grape juice, and bringing wine
Prayers of the Patriarchs and Prophets - October 8, 2023
We will look at the prayers of the patriarchs and prophets. We will find examples of unusual prayers, practical prayers, and prayers that cry out for intercession. Reflecting on the prayers of the patriarchs and prophets will broaden our understanding of “allowable” prayers.
Suggested activity: choose a favorite prayer of a patriarch or prophet and be able to explain what you enjoy about it
Prayers of David - October 15, 2023
We will look at the prayers of David. Of course, the entire book of the Psalms can be seen as the prayers of David, and so we will be unable to examine all of his prayers. Instead, we will focus on a few type of his prayers — prayers of confession, intercession, and ones of imprecatory nature. For discussion: is there a case to be made for using imprecatory prayers today?
Suggested activity: write a psalm of your own (can be done collaboratively!)
Prayers of the Apostles - October 22, 2023
We will look at passages from the Apostles will look at passages from Jesus and the apostles on prayer. We will briefly look at some of the warnings about how not to pray, but more positively, we will explore the ways that the Apostles carry on the prayer life of Jesus and how they encourage us to do the same.
Suggested activity: write a prayer letter to Jesus.
Does Prayer Even Work - October 29, 2923
We will explore some of the challenges that arise from what Scripture teaches about prayer. Why haven’t any mountains been moved by prayer yet? If the Lord will do anything we ask in His Name, why do some of our prayers suggest the opposite? I’ll offer some insight in how to approach these questions and encourage us all to persist in prayer and devotions. And, lastly, I’ll challenge us all to begin writing down our prayers. In so doing, we’ll begin to be able to see just when & how God has answered our prayers.
Suggested activity: Create a reasonable, attainable devotional plan if you do not yet have one. Begin writing out your prayers and commit to seeing how God answers them!
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