Christian Life facilitates fellowship and evangelism at Emmanuel Lutheran Church.
Coffee hospitality and greeters are provided each Sunday. Receptions are held and pictures and write-ups on new members are posted in the narthex and placed in the eNews. “Welcome to Emmanuel” fliers are regularly updated and placed upstairs and downstairs so that those attending activities in our church might feel welcomed to attend our services also. Baby baskets are presented to the families of each new baby welcoming them into the congregation. Pastor conducts a New Member Information Class which include several sessions to inform those joining of the Lutheran teachings as well as the opportunities for participation at Emmanuel, and also does a pastoral contact as families express interest in becoming members of Emmanuel. A group has been established to be especially on the lookout for visitors to be sure they are greeted and welcomed.
New members are invited to Sunday School and Adult Bible Class, and sponsors are provided to help them become involved in Emmanuel. The committee initiated the weekly eNews newsletter to keep members informed and connected. The Congregation email system, phonevite system, and the email and phone prayer chain systems were established through the committee and remain in place. A Wednesday night small group Bible Study has been started through this committee. The committee made internet available for meetings and for individual use throughout the church. Name Tags were made and regularly updated. They are available on designated Sundays to help members learn each other’s names. The committee encourages regular updates to the website enabling members to access lots of Emmanuel information such as a church calendar, the weekly announcements, and information about upcoming Emmanuel events and youth events. Pictures are taken regularly on Sunday mornings and emailed to the secretary for inclusion in the eNews and for the monitor in the narthex. We continue to encourage the use of the hearing devices that have been put in place for members and visitors who are hearing impaired. The committee put together prayer groups which meet the second Wednesday of the month in the morning and the evening. We welcome new members to the committee.
We plan activities at the church, in the local area, and even overnight events. Some of the activities that Fellowship has provided at the church are Game Days, Movie Matinee after Sunday worship service, and Continental Breakfast after Sunday Outdoor Service. Activities in the area have included Miniature Golf at Kistler’s, Bike Hike and Cook-out at Cedar Creek. Our overnight activities included trips to the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, Pa, and Noah’s Ark and the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Originally initiated through our Dinners for Eight, the group organizes the Congregational Christmas Party. We also organize the Lenten Light Meals, Shrove Tuesday Potluck, and the Easter Breakfast. If you have any ideas for future events please let our committee know. Keep in mind that most of our events are pay as you go events or get-togethers where we ask participants to bring something to share. But we do have some events like a cookout after Bike Hikes where we provide hotdogs, buns, and condiments, or the bus for Christmas Caroling that are paid for out of our budget.
The committee also sponsors a visiting group with volunteers who visit shut-ins and those who could benefit from a personal contact. Several members have been trained to do in-home communion for shut-ins and are available to be called on by Pastor to serve between his visits..
In the area of publicity, we continue to try to get as many pictures and articles as possible in the local papers regarding Emmanuel events. Updates to the Emmanuel website are submitted and encouraged. Emmanuel yearly theme banners and the street-side community banners are placed regularly. The committee plans and/or supports various events being held at Emmanuel designed to bring people into the church.
Youth Ministry is for all children of the church and meets once a quarter during the school year. The goal of Youth Ministry is to create recreational, Christian fellowship and help the youth of the church grow up as the body of Christ. Prior events have included a trip to the corn maze, ugly Christmas sweater party, GROK, escape room, and a picnic/ bonfire at the church pavilion. Youth Ministry has also participated in projects to help our church and community.
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